Modeling and Detecting ground and surface water in the South of Sinai. Using GIS and remote sensing techniques


Ph.D. of Geomorphology, Geography and GIS Department. Alexandria University, Egypt E-mail:


The current study aims to develop water resources. It is an environmental issue of world concern in light of climate change. Accordingly, the geological setting, geomorphological features, morphometric analysis, and hydrological system studied to reveal the available groundwater locations and the most providing sites of surface water that can cause injuries but on the other side can be stored for use when needed.
This field will serve many economic activities development in Southern Sinai such as irrigation, agriculture, power generation …etc. By applying on eight watersheds, which are Muqbella, Mahash El-Alaa, Dahab, Feiran, Kid, Mariekh, Aa't El-Sharqi, and Aa't El-Gharbi basin. Selected for the study according to several criteria, which are the most important that they are vulnerable valleys to flood hazards frequently. Therefore, this issue must be confronted and addressed with appropriate solutions, the most useful is constructing dams, reservoirs, and wells to reach and obstruct the flow of groundwater and store surface-water. By followed the modeling method to detect the water zones and to design dams.
The results revealed that 23.3% and 66.2% are areas with a very high and a high potential for groundwater the Southern Sinai total area, and 1.9% and 66.1% are areas with a very high and a high potential for surface water. The basins with the highest runoff are Dahab and Fieran and the least are Mahash Al-Alaa and Muqbella. Here, the construction of 15 groundwater dams and 33 surface dams was studied, and 6 of which were excluded because they weren’t suitable

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