Digital Storytelling in Louisa Hall’s Speak and Rick Moody’s Hotels of North America


Associate Professor of English Language and Literature Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University, Egypt


Modern technology has invaded all aspects of our life and the Internet is one the fast-sweeping influences on our life. 'Internet Fictions' label is an "umbrella term" which identifies the cultural, ideological, intermedial and transmedial features of novels (Weigel-Heller 6). It includes subgenres of the novels that respond to the impact of the Internet and the potentiality of generic transformations as a result of mediatization and digitalization. Anna Weigel-Heller argues that "we are in the midst of a paradigm shift in writing and reading novels" (12). Weigel-Heller stresses the response of 21st century novel to the digital technology and refers to the change in the textuality of narrating stories as a 'paradigm shift.' She coined the term "Internet Fictions" in her cotutelle doctoral dissertation to underscore the impact of digital technology on the rise of innovative subgenres of fiction. 'Internet Fictions' label pinpoints the changes in 21st century novel in both form and content

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