زخارف مسيحية علي بعض الأواني الرومانيةالحمراء في مصر في الفتره المتأخره ( دراسه آثرية لقطع غير منشوره)

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

  • أولاً: المصــــادر

    -        الکتاب المقدس

    ثانيا: المراجع العربية

    -        الشحات، منى محمد، الفخار في العصر الروماني: دراسة أثرية للأواني الفخارية، الطبعة الأولى، دار العين للنشر، القاهرة، 2017.


    ثالثا: المراجع الأجنبية

    • Badawy, Alexander , Coptic Art and Archaeology : The Art of the Christian Egyptians from The Late Antique to The Middle Ages, Cambridge and London, 1978.
    •  Balle, Pascale, "Ceramics, Coptic", in Coptic Encyclopedia, Aziz S. Atiya, (ed.), Macmillan Publishing Company: New York, Collier Macmillan Canada, Toronto, Maxwell Macmillan International. vol. 2, 1991.
    • Beckwith, John,  Coptic Sculpture 300 – 1300, London, Alec Tiranti, 1963. 
    • Bell, H.I. and Crum, W.E., Wadi Sarga: Coptic and Greek         Texts from the Excavations Undertaken by the Byzantine Research Account (Copenhagen: GyldendalskeBoghandel-Nordisk Forlag, 1922.
    •  Biedremann, Hans,  Dictionary of Symbols, New York, 1992.
    •  Cirlot, J. E., A.,  Dictionary of  Symbols, London, 1971.
    •  Cooper, J. C.,   An illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols, London, 1978.
    • Du Bourget, Pierre, Tissus  Coptes,  Paris, 1998.
    • Elanskaya, A.I., The Literary Coptic Manuscripts in the A. S. Pushkin State Fine Arts Museum in Moscow , Leiden, 1994.
    • Hayes,  John W., Late Roman Pottery, London, 1972.
    • Hayes, John W., The Athenian Agora, Results of Excavations Conducted by The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, vol. 32, Roman Pottery, Fine Ware Imports, Princeton, New Jersey, 2008.  
    • _____________, Supplement to Late Roman Pottery, London, 1980.
    • kübler, K., " Mitteilungen aus dem keramicikos, V: Spätantike stempelkèramik", Ath. Mitt. LVI, 1931, 75-86.
    • Mackensen, Michael, "Late Roman African Red Slip Ware From The Frontier Region in The Province of Thebais(Upper Egypt)",  In R. J. A. Wilson (ed.), Romanitas: Essays on Roman Archaeology in Honour of Sheppard Frere on The Occasion of his Ninetieth Birthday, Oxbow Books,  23rd August 2006.
    • Metford,  JCJ,  Dictionary of Christian, London, 1983.
    • Salomonson, D.W. , "Late Roman  Earthenware with Relief Decoration found in Northern Africa and Egypt", Oudheidkundige Mededlingen, Leiden XLIII, 1962, 53- 95.
    • Vroom, Joanita, Byzantine to Modern Pottery in the Aegean, Parnassus Press, 2005.
    • Waagé, F. O., "Hellenistic and Roman Lable Ware of North Syria", in Antioch-on-the-Orantes IV, Part 1, Ceramic and Islamic Coins, 1-6, 1948.
    • ___________, "The American Excavations in the Athenian Agora, First Report: The Roman and Byzantine Pottery", Hesperia II, 1933, 279-328.
    •   Walters, C.C. , Monastic Archaeology in Egypt, England, 1964.


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